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Infection and autoimmunity: are we winning the war, only to lose the peace?
Diabetes OD > Diabetes Pathogenesis > T1DM > Autoimmunity > Virus Infection > Journal Article

(Journal Article): Infection and autoimmunity: are we winning the war, only to lose the peace?
Cooke A, Zaccone P, Raine T, Phillips JM, Dunne DW (Pathology Department, University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1QP, UK, ac(at) )
IN: Trends Parasitol 2004; 20:316-321
Impact Factor(s) of Trends Parasitol: 5.497 (2004), 6.788 (2003), 5.375 (2002)

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TYPE OF PUBLICATION: Original article

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