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In vivo instruction of suppressor commitment in naive T cells.
Diabetes OD > Reversal/Prevention of Diabetes > T1DM > Re-establishing Tolerance > Modifying Immunity > Suppression/Tolerization > Treg cells > Induction of Treg Cells > Ag-derived > Journal Article

(Journal Article): In vivo instruction of suppressor commitment in naive T cells.
Apostolou I, von Boehmer H (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, 44 Binney St., Boston, MA 02115, USA.)
IN: J Exp Med 2004; 199(10):1401-1408
Impact Factor(s) of J Exp Med: 14.588 (2004), 15.302 (2003), 15.34 (2001)

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ABSTRACT: The induction of antigen-specific tolerance in the mature immune system of the intact organism has met with limited success. Therefore, nonspecific immunosuppression has been the treatment of choice to prevent unwanted immunity. Here, it is shown that prolonged subcutaneous infusion of low doses of peptide by means of osmotic pumps transforms mature T cells into CD4+25+ suppressor cells that can persist for long periods of time in the absence of antigen and confer specific immunologic tolerance upon challenge with antigen. The described procedure resembles approaches of tolerance induction used decades ago, induces tolerance in the absence of immunity, and holds the promise to become an effective means of inducing antigen-specific tolerance prospectively, whereas its power to suppress already ongoing immune responses remains to be determined.

TYPE OF PUBLICATION: Original article

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