(Journal Article): Assessing the validity of the association be-tween the SUMO4 M55V variant and risk of type 1 diabetes.
Smyth DJ, Howson JM, Lowe CE, Walker NM, Lam AC, Nutland S, Hutchings J, Tuomilehto-Wolf E, Tuomilehto J, Guja C, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C, Undlien DE, Ronningen KS, Savage D, Dunger DB, Twells RC, McArdle WL, Strachan DP, Todd JA.
IN: Nat Genet 2005; 37(2):110-111
Impact Factor(s) of Nat Genet: 25.797 (2005), 24.695 (2004), 26.494 (2003), 26.711 (2002), 29.6 (2001)

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