Combination Therapy

(Journal Article): Treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus with DAB486-IL2, a toxin conjugate witch targets activated T-lymphocytes
Boitard C, Timsit J, Assan R, Mogenet A, Debussche X, Kaloustlan E, Attali JR, Chanson P, Chatenoud L, Woodworth T, et al.
IN: Diabetologia 1992; 35(suppl 1):A218
Impact Factor(s) of Diabetologia: 5.583 (2004), 5.689 (2003), 5.136 (2002), 6.299 (2001)

ABSTRACT: Evidence point to autoreactive T-Iymphocytes in the pathogenesis of insulin-¬dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Treatment with Cyclosporin A (7.5-10 mg/kg/d) of IDDM patients ind... Click HERE for details


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