
Sub-Areas to Follow-up:

Tracking of Cell Fate and Labeling of Cell Lineages (0)
Islet Cell Graft Function (0)
Islet Cell Apoptosis (0)

(Journal Article): Successful islet transplantation: continued insulin reserve provides long-term glycemic control.
Ryan EA, Lakey JR, Paty BW, Imes S, Korbutt GS, Kneteman NM, Bigam D, Rajotte RV, Shapiro AM
IN: Diabetes 2002; 51(7):2148-2157
Impact Factor(s) of Diabetes: 8.848 (2004), 8.298 (2003), 8.256 (2002), 7.7 (2001)

ABSTRACT: Clinical islet transplantation is gaining acceptance as a potential therapy, particularly for subjects who have labile diabetes or problems with hypoglycemic awareness. The risks o... Click HERE for details


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