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Factors influencing Islet of Langerhans graft function and monitoring.
Diabetes OD > Regeneration of Islets > Transplantation > Islet Cells > Follow-up > Islet Cell Graft Function > Monitoring of Islet Cell Graft Function > Journal Article

(Journal Article): Factors influencing Islet of Langerhans graft function and monitoring.
Pileggi A, Ricordi C, Alessiani M, Inverardi L (Diabetes Research Institute, Cell Transplantation Center, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL 33136, USA., )
IN: Clin Chim Acta 2001; 310(1):3–16
Impact Factor(s) of Clin Chim Acta: 1.961 (2004), 1.633 (2003), 1.302 (2001)

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ABSTRACT: Transplantation of islet of Langerhans represents a viable therapeutic option for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Dramatic progress has been recently reported with the introduction of a glucocorticoid-free immunosuppressive regimen that improved success rate, namely, insulin independence for 1 year or more, from 8% to 100%. The fate of islet grafts is determined by many concurrent phenomena, some of which are common to organ grafts (i.e. rejection), while others are unique to nonvascularized cell transplants, including transplant cell mass and viability, as well as nonspecific inflammation at the site of implant. Moreover, islet grafts lack clinical markers of early rejection, making it difficult to recognize imminent rejection and to implement intervention with graft-saving immunosuppressive regimens. In the present review, we will address the problems influencing islet graft success and the monitoring of islet cell graft function.


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